Thursday, October 16, 2014

Greek Ministry of Culture, Second Press Release 16-10-2014

translated from the Greek Ministry of Culture

original source:

automatic translation (via Google Translate):

16 October, 2014

Question: What relationship can the Rape of Persephone have to this monument?

K.. Peristeri: The rapture is a very grave matter. We have one more sample of the tomb dating: last quarter of the fourth century B.C..

Question: What relationship can a representation of the abduction of Persephone have to the Temenid dynasty?

L.. Mendoni: [You'll] find the scene of the abduction of Persephone mural in the so-called tomb of Persephone in the royal cemetery at Vergina. We have a second display of Hades and Persephone in sacred marriage scene, the backrest of the marble throne in the tomb of Eurydice, mother of Philip, in Aegae. The scenes are linked with the cults of the underworld, the Orphic cult-descent into Hades and the Dionysian rites. The current head of the house of Macedon was the archpriest of these cults. I remind you of the recent survey of the National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" for residues of the mask found in the remains of the bones of Philip. According to experts this was the mask that Philip wore during Orphic rites. Therefore, the scene in our case has symbolic importance, which may indicate a relationship of the "occupant" of the tomb with the Macedonian house. The political symbolism is very strong in all seasons.

Question: Does the scene [allow you to] draw conclusions about the gender of the deceased?

K.. Peristeri: No we can not [draw conclusions].

Question: We see a mosaic and a marble door before the main chamber. Such a mosaic tells us how important the dead was...?

K.. Peristeri: Without doubt the deceased was extremely important.

Question: How do you explain the fact that there has been a finding of no [disturbance of the tomb] during the excavation?

K.. Peristeri: We have found mobile [items] such as pottery, nails, etc. But we can not put everything in a press release. We can not say we found shells or studs. All maintenance and all necessary study.

Question: The city council of Serres proposed a resolution to create a modern museum in Amphipolis and one in Serres.

K.. Peristeri: The subject of a Museum of Serres [has been pursued] since 2004.

L.. Mendoni: Findings from excavations made here will probably stay here. This discussion is misinformation. [The movement of discovered objects] from anywhere, not only from Amphipolis, but anywhere in the country [has never been considered]. The policy of the Ministry is, where possible, to return evrimata -- even older anaskafes -- to the place where they were found. No excavation find will be removed from the site. I confess that I do not understand how it started and why there is such a debate. These are from the devil.

Question: Is there a fourth chamber or crypt?

K.. Peristeri: We're pretty tall[?]. Assumptions can be made. We will have [a clearer] picture after the excavation of the third space.

Question: You mentioned Persephone in the royal cemetery. We can say that [Kasta hill] is a royal tomb?

K.. Peristeri: It's early. We can not say anything [until we] finish the excavation. It is very important. The significance of the monument rises and the mosaic was first found in a funerary monument.

Question: [The damage] in the center of the mosaic came from what? Wear? From grave robbing?

Answer: No, there is no evidence. But it seems that there is physical damage.

Question: Is the assumption that the embankments -as archika- say that they had come to the construction of the monument, still valid?

K.. Peristeri: As the dig proceeds we will have a more complete picture.

Question: Your colleague, in a text with 140 signatures, comments that criminalize scientists have expressed another opinion about the scientific excavation.

K.. Peristeri: Prefer progresses from excavation to deal out several issues that I malignancies.

Question: How much more time do you need?

K.. Peristeri: No home we build. The excavation leads. That saying is relevant. We do not know [enough] to tell you dates. No run, leads the excavation.

Question: [Staying with] the third chamber: A month ago, the geologist who "carrot" to be sent to Switzerland for the dating of the tomb.

K.. Peristeri: Got samples, but have not posted yet. Besides, we can chronologize them to the grave.

L.. Mendoni: The analysis of geological samples is essential to a modern excavation, as it is necessary to know the geoenvironment of the monument. These analyses will allow us to know the exact composition of the sediments and to chronologize the sediments. Any dating can be derived from geological type analyses, results and datings [of a] million years. It's completely different data from the historical, archaeological dating.

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